100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our policy may seem different, unusual, perhaps even too good to be true but it’s for real.

You’ll love the service and find it to be a huge value for you and your business, or you can get a full refund for your initial poster design order.

However, it's all about fit. That's why we want to make sure we work well together. With that in mind, we have 3-day 100% Satisfaction (money-back) Guarantee.

To qualify for a refund you must:

  • Have provided us with clear direction throughout the design process.

  • Have provided us with timely revisions and instructions throughout the design process that allows us time to make those adjustments to hit your artwork deadline.

  • Submit a refund request within 72 hours of receiving your artwork by email.

If you are not happy with our service or the artwork you received within 3 days of receiving your finalized poster artwork you can apply for a full refund.

It’s that simple.